
Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Structures & Adaptations to Marine Living

Over the last 2,000 million years, plant and animal life on earth has continuously evolved from its simple beginnings in the oceans to the complex existence lived today. It's no accident that protoplasm, a substance found in every living cell, strongly resembles seawater. Although some animals emerged from the sea millions of years ago to fill all available niches on land, some remained in the ocean and evolved and adapted to life beneath the surface.
The ocean covers the majority of the planet, yet it remains a little understood realm as scientists are limited in the study of habitats that lack physical boundaries and can span thousands of miles.
Each form of marine life has become adapted to a specific niche with a relatively narrow variation in salinity, temperature, and light. The high salt content found in the ocean can support the large bodies of giant squids and whales, which has allowed them to evolve without the use of strong limbs for support. Nevertheless, salt water exerts enormous pressure on the air spaces of marine animals at depth (fluids like blood are practically incompressible). For every 33 feet of water, pressure increases by 14.7 pounds per square inch (equal to one atmosphere every 10 meters) which limits our depths significantly unless we use diving craft specifically designed to maintain one atmosphere.
 And yet all sorts of other organisms thrive at high pressure. Some of them are even air-breathing surface dwellers like us. Weddell seals and elephant seals can dive up to a mile (sperm whales go much deeper than that). All these animals seem to share the same secret: Instead of fighting the pressure, they let it collapse their lungs completely. Some oxygen remains in their lungs, but they mostly store it in their muscles, where it's needed; their muscle tissue contains much higher concentrations of oxygen-binding myoglobin than ours does.
 Moreover, collapsed lungs give deep-diving mammals another big advantage, as a team led by Terrie Williams of the University of California at Santa Cruz reported last year. Once a seal's lungs have collapsed, it becomes heavier than water, and so it sinks. Thus it doesn't have to flap flukes or flippers all the way down; it reaches great depths mostly by gliding effortlessly, saving its oxygen stores for the strenuous climb back to the surface.
 The deep seafloor itself, well beyond the range of diving mammals, is inhabited by an incredible diversity of animals. Some of the fish even have lunglike swim bladders to control their buoyancy: They move up in the water column by secreting gas into the bladder and inflating it, and down by reabsorbing gas into their blood. With Jason, the researchers aboard the Knorr have observed such fish hang motionless a few feet above the seafloor. But they've made no effort to bring the fish up to the ship, because they know the results would not be pretty. A swim bladder doesn't collapse at depth because the gas inside is at the same pressure as the water outside—which means if that external pressure suddenly decreases, the bladder will swell catastrophically. "When we bring a fish up from depth, its swim bladder is often sticking out of its mouth," says Shana Goffredi of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. "So those animals don't fare so well." - Discover Magazine external
Clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellarisMarine animals must also regulate the interaction of freshwater and saltwater in their bodies. Specially developed kidneys, gills, and body functions help prevent the water from equalizing salt concentrations across membranes through osmosis. Marine animals must also be able to absorb dissolved gases like oxygen from the water needed to release the energy from food. Simple animals, such as anemones or worms, absorb the gases through their skin. Mobile animals use gills, or even lungs to absorb oxygen from the water and air. All animals in the ocean release carbon dioxide into the water as waste, which is then used by plants to produce energy.
Temperatures vary dramatically between the surface and the ocean floor. Marine life has developed many adaptations to the variations in temperature. Many marine mammals have blubber for insulation from the cold, and some fish have an antifreeze-like substance in their blood to keep it flowing. It is interesting to study the dramatically different adaptations in marine life on a vertical scale in the water. Animals and plants living in surface waters have access to high nutrient levels, increased temperatures, reduced pressure, and more light and therefore lack the adaptations of deep sea creatures that must live in highly pressurized, cold, dark waters with scarce nutrients.
Marine life has adapted to an incredible variety of conditions and habitats. Barnacles and mussels have developed mechanisms that allow them to cling to rocks in environments where they might otherwise be easily washed out by strong waves. Brightly-colored clownfish have adapted symbiotic relationships with anemones to protect both the clownfish and the anemone from predation. Sperm whales and herring gulls have adapted the ability to travel long distances and the ability to survive in a variety of environments.
Although the focus here is primarily on the adaptations of marine body structures, marine adaptations also include symbiosis, camouflage, defensive behavior, reproductive strategies, contact and communication, and adaptations to environmental conditions like temperature, light and salinity.

Chordate Origins

Animals in the Phylum Chordata include the vertebrates and some of the more primitive nonvertebrates like the protochordates, lancelets, acorn worms, tunicates, and the pterobranchs. The first vertebrates appearing in the fossil record during the Cambrian age were animals that  resembled fishes and had respiratory gills formed by pharyngeal gill slits located in a set of pouches. The first purpose of the skeleton and scales were to protect the animal, to add support to the notochord, and to keep the brain protected. Later, a true backbone (rather than a notochord) evolved in marine animals. In all vertebrates, a heart developed to pump blood throughout the capillaries for the exchange of gases and oxygen. The blood in most fish goes from the heart to the gills and from there it is moved to the brain and other important body structures.
The Agnatha, or jawless fish, lived from the Late Cambrian until the end of the Devonian period. These fish were covered in bony armor, an adaptation that helped protect them from other animals. Parasitic lampreys and deep-sea hagfish are descended from the weak swimming, bottom dwelling jawless fish. Later in the Middle Silurian, a fish with jaws and teeth, known as the Gnathostomata vertebrate, evolved. Most fish are descended from this vertebrate, including all of the tetrapods. The jaws were actually adapted from the front elements of the gills and the teeth came from very bony scales near the skin of the mouth of the fish. Once jaws had developed in fish, many new strategies of surviving in the ecosystem became available. During this time, swimming capabilities were enhanced with the development of paired fins.
This was a time of great diversification in the oceans. Four groups of fishes branched out: the Placodermi (extinct now), the Acanthodii (extinct), the Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) and the Osteichthyes (more highly evolved bony fishes). The Placodermi had extreme amounts of armor and were highly prevalent carnivores in the Silurian and Devonian periods. The Acanthodii were small filter-feeders. The Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes classes survived, adapting to many different ocean conditions and branching out further into a vast array of species. Some of the many adaptations are as follows.
Most sharks in the Class Chondrichthyes have to keep swimming, otherwise they will sink to the bottom of the ocean. This characteristic has led to two distinct forms of sharks: the pelagic and benthic forms. The pelagic sharks move constantly through the water and rely on this movement to pass water across the gills for respiration. The benthic forms lie on the bottom and take in water through a pair of holes at the top of their head called spiracles. Rays also can lie on the ocean floor and respire through a spiracle at the top of their head. Rays have a flattened body type that allows them to hide under the mud and dig up crabs and shelled animals. The intestines and livers of sharks and rays are also shorter and larger than bony fish. Rays have developed stingers at the ends of their tails as a form as protection and some even have developed a type of battery that can deliver a strong electric shock. Another important development aiding in the survival of species in the Class Chondrichthyes was the appearance of the lateral line. The lateral line is a sensory organ in pelagic sharks and some fish. This line runs all the way from the head to the tail and functions to triangulate distances so the shark or fish can locate prey with great precision even in total darkness.
The Class Osteichthyes consists of all the bony fish. It is important to note that bony fish are also referred to as Teleost Fishes. Bony fish include many familiar fish like the bass, perch, cod, tuna, halibut—basically any fish with a bony skeleton. The general characteristics of a fish in this class include a longer intestine than sharks and rays, a single gill slit on each side, a mouth at the front of the body, a tail fin that is equal in size on the top and the bottom and external fertilization of eggs. Bony fish produce thousands of eggs, so there is plenty of genetic variation for natural selection to occur and adaptations in bony fishes abound. The flat fish is a good example of some of the stranger adaptations. The young flat fish appears to be a normal fish but as it develops, one eye actually migrates over to the other side of the body so that both eyes are on the same side. After the eye moves, the fish flips over so it looks like both eyes are on the same side but actually the top is just one side of the body. Another example is the male seahorse, which has adapted a pouch and, unlike most male animals, takes care of the young while the female swims away. The remora has developed a plate on its head to latch on to other fish and feed on food the larger fish leaves behind. The mola mola, or ocean sunfish, cannot swim very well, weighs over 2,000 lbs and has been said to be the largest type of zooplankton. This fish reaches a top speed of 3 miles per hour and floats around eating jellyfish. Some freshwater fish have developed the ability to climb trees, squirt water at insects, breathe air and stay out of water for long periods of time.


The reptiles came about as a novel group of terrestrial animals from the amphibians. Reptiles were extremely successful on land and quickly became the dominant animal for the next 150 million years. When mammals evolved, they took over the dominant position leaving the reptiles to crawl back into the ocean. The reptiles that survived include the snakes, turtles and lizards many of which have changed a little so they can live more successfully in salt-water environments. Although crocodiles have also adapted to saltier conditions, they never made a full change and still prefer brackish waters. Reptiles that abandoned the land for the sea include the sea turtles in the Family Cheloniidae, the marine iguana in the Family Iguanidae, and the sea snakes in the Family Hydrophiidae.
The turtles have not changed too much over the last 100 million years. The hard shell characteristic of turtles has been a great help in protection and the prevention of drying out. Land turtles have a problem with their shell being too heavy but when turtles are in the water—the buoyancy of the water lifts the weight of the shell and allows the turtle to move gracefully through the medium. Sea turtles developed longer feet that were more paddle-like allowing the turtle to fly through the water with great speed and agility. Another adaptation of sea turtles to the sea is a hinge in the lower portion of the turtle that allows them to take in much more air and come up for air less often.


Marine mammals include the Order Cetacea (porpoises and whales), the Order Carnivora (animals like seals), and the Order Sirenia (dugongs, manatees and sea cows). Marine mammals are still warm-blooded and have to keep the temperature of their bodies above that of the ocean. Adaptations that have helped solve this problem include the reduction of surface area and the increase in internal volume, a fatty layer of blubber under very thick skin, and a reduction in the amount of blood going to areas in contact with the cold water. Unlike land animals, marine mammals are also able to dive very deep into the water without getting the bends because as they dive down deeper they exhale instead of inhale like we do. They expel air from their lungs, and therefore do not absorb excess nitrogen. Other adaptations to marine living include: a slower heartbeat during dives, reduced blood flow to non-vital organs, unusually high hemoglobin count in blood, and an unusually high myoglobin count in muscles.
One fundamental difference between cetaceans and fish is the tail. The tails of mammals are horizontal enabling to swim both vertically and horizontally. The tails of most fish are vertical, so the swimming motion is side to side. The streamlined shape observed in both marine fish and marine mammals is an example of biological convergence. The rounded head and tapering body shape allows marine fish and mammals to glide smoothly through the water, wasting little energy due to resistance. Animals that are not streamlined, like the stingray or the globefish, have sacrificed efficient swimming for benefits of camouflage or body armor.
Most of the power generated for swimming in marine animals comes from the tail at the back. Most fish will move their tail from side to side so that water is pushed backwards and around the side and the fish moves forward. Fins at the side of the fish help counteract the tendency of the head to swing from side to side as the tail moves. Fish also have fins on their back, their sides and underneath their bodies. Fish, whales, turtles and even seals have specialized limbs for swimming.

Animals with Shells

About 500 million years ago, animals with hard-shells became prominent in the fossil record in the Phylum Molluska. The evolution of an impenetrable shell was obviously a very helpful trait for an animal to possess because now mollusks are found in almost every known environment. Animals with hard shells are protected from predation and drying out and some can even use their shell to float if necessary among other things. The seven Classes of mollusks are the Polyplacophora (the chitons), Gastropoda (the snails), Bivalvia (the clams), Cephalopoda (octopus and squid), Scaphopoda (the tusk shells) and Aplacophora (small worm-like organisms). There are at least 30,000 species of gastropods and it is the largest taxonomic class.
The chitons are the most primitive animals in the Phylum Molluska. Every chiton shell is made so that it will fit together and bend. Chitons live only in marine environments and are also recognizable by the eight plates that overlap on their back. The gills are located safely under the shell on either side of their foot. The adaptations seen in chitons allow these organisms to survive heavy surf, so they are often found in tide pools.
The emperor nautilus, Nautilus pompilius pompiliusOrganisms in the Class Gastropoda are most commonly known as snails, limpets, abalones, conchs, and whelks. Other gastropods perhaps less familiar include the nudibranchs, slugs, and some pteropods and heteropods. Gastropods can usually be identified by a shell that spirals to the right although some like the nudibranchs do not have a shell and in others the shell twists to the left. In order to fit into this shell, many gastropods have organs that are reduced in size. Although some gastropods have lost their shell throughout evolution, most still have a shell and benefit from the protection. Many gastropods like limpets and abalone will retreat into their shell when disturbed and close off the opening with a special plate called the operculum. There are many different types of shells and most of the variety is a direct result of adaptation to the environment. For example, in rough waters most animals have flat shells to reduce water resistance. Animals that need to crawl into rocks to hide also have flat shells to fit into smaller cracks. Most gastropods move forward with the help of a foot that is very similar to that of a terrestrial snail.
Cephalopods, like octopuses and squid are feared by many, however they are actually quite gentle, delicate and "intelligent" creatures. Squid and octopuses are the most advanced mollusks. They have highly developed eyesight, the ability to swim quickly and the amazing ability to rapidly change color using their chromatophores. The female octopus has excellent parenting skills and keeps her eggs safe and clean until they hatch. Most cephalopods have soft bodies with no shell and can walk on ocean floor or swim using a siphon that squirts water in a powerful jet. Some segments of giant squids have been recovered indicating that the whole animal may weigh up to 900 kgs and be 18 meters long. Some scientists believe there are may be squid with lengths over 30 meters. Another interesting adaptation in the cephalopods is the development of an inky substance used to block the senses of sight and smell in predators.

Types of Snakes - Understanding the World of Snakes

If you examine the types of snakes found around the world, you will be amazed at the diversity inherent in the many types of snakes, their behaviors, and their habitats.

Read more: http://www.reptileknowledge.com/articles/article9.php#ixzz2DpxCjU8j
While all snakes have certain obvious traits in common (such as scales, limbless bodies, and forked tongues), they also posses a wide range of characteristics that are unique to each species.
For instance, certain types of snakes are venomous, while others are not. Some give birth to live young (viviparous), while others lay eggs (oviparous). Some snakes are the size of a pencil, while others are nearly as long as a school bus. Some types of snakes eat rodents exclusively, some eat rodents and birds, some eat fish and frogs, some eat other snakes, and some eat a variety of the above ... and some even live off of eggs!
Like I said, there is plenty of diversity among the types of snakes around the world. But how does one understand the many snakes of the world? How are they classified and organized? That's what we will examine in this article.

Featured Articles on Snakes

Here are a few of the articles on snakes that we are most proud of. Click a link or an image below to learn more about rattlesnakes, pet snakes, gigantic snakes and more!

Classifying the Types of Snakes

According to current scientific classification (which is constantly being revised, by the way), there are somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 snake species around the world. With so many types of snakes in the world, a good classification system is a must!
Snakes are grouped by the same scientific classification that applies to all other animals. Snakes are part of the Squamata order of reptiles -- an order that also includes most lizard species. All types of snakes fall into one of 18 families within the Squamata order, and each snake family is further broken down into genus and species.
Let's look at an example to clarify things. Here is the scientific classification of the western diamondback rattlesnake (starting at the class level):

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

  • Class - Reptiles
  • Order - Squamata
  • Suborder - Serpents
  • Family - Viperidae
  • Subfamily - Crotalinae
  • Genus - Crotalus
  • Species - Crotalus atrox
Thus, the western diamondback rattlesnake is a species of snake within the Viperidae family -- venomous types of snakes that also include vipers and adders.
As stated previously, there are currently 18 families of snakes around the world. But this number is often argued and disputed, because the scientific classification of reptiles (including snakes) is constantly in flux.

Major Families of Snakes

Here are the five families of snakes that account for the majority of species:
  • Colubridae -- The Colubridae family of snakes (known as colubrids) is by far the largest family, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the world's snakes. The vast majority of colubrids are non-venomous, though a few rear-fanged colubrid species are able to produce venom (such as the lyre snake of California). But even the venomous members of the Colubridae family are considered harmless to humans. So it's safe to say that colubrids, as a whole, pose no threat to humans.

  • Boidae -- The Boidae family of snakes (known as boids) includes python and boa species. The three largest types of snakes in the world -- the anaconda, the reticulated python, and the African rock python -- are all members of the Boidae family. But smaller species like the royal python / ball python are also found in this family of snakes. All boids are non-venomous, powerful constrictors. Thus, they rely on strength instead of venom to kill their prey.

  • Elapidae -- The Elapidae family of snakes (known as elapids) includes cobras, mambas, coral snakes and taipans. All elapids are venomous, and some of the most venomous snakes in the world are found within this family. Elapids produce a neurotoxic venom that attacks the central nervous systems (breathing) of their prey).

  • Viperidae -- The Viperidae family of snakes (known as viperids) includes rattlesnakes, vipers, adders and other species. All types of snakes in the Viperidae family are venomous. In the United States, most venomous snakes species fall within this family (including all rattlesnakes, the copperhead, and the water moccasin). The coral snake (and elapid) is one of the only venomous snakes in the U.S. that is not in the Viperidae family. Nearly all members of this family produce hematoxic venom that attacks the tissue and blood of their prey.

  • Hydrophiidae -- As the name suggests, the Hydrophiidae family includes sea snakes. Most sea snakes are venomous, and some species produce an incredibly powerful venom, a drop of which could kill a grown man. Fortunately for humans, sea snakes are reluctant to bite unless provoked (though you should still leave them alone).
I hope this tutorial has helped you understand the many types of snakes in the world, and that it gives you a newfound appreciation for these marvels of nature!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


An illustration of the interior of 55 Cancri e — an extremely hot planet with a surface of mostly graphite surrounding a thick layer of diamond, below which is a layer of silicon-based minerals and a molten iron core at the center. REUTERS-Haven Giguere-Yale University
 An illustration of the interior of 55 Cancri e — an extremely hot planet with a surface of mostly graphite surrounding a thick layer of diamond, below which is a layer of silicon-based minerals and a molten iron core at the center.
(Reuters) - Forget the diamond as big as the Ritz. This one's bigger than planet Earth.
Orbiting a star that is visible to the naked eye, astronomers have discovered a planet twice the size of our own made largely out of diamond.
The rocky planet, called '55 Cancri e', orbits a sun-like star in the constellation of Cancer and is moving so fast that a year there lasts a mere 18 hours.
Discovered by a U.S.-Franco research team, its radius is twice that of Earth's with a mass eight times greater. That would give it the same density as Earth, although previously observed diamond planets are reckoned to be a lot more dense. It is also incredibly hot, with temperatures on its surface reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit (1,648 Celsius).
"The surface of this planet is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite," said Nikku Madhusudhan, the Yale researcher whose findings are due to be published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The study - with Olivier Mousis at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie in Toulouse, France - estimates that at least a third of the planet's mass, the equivalent of about three Earth masses, could be diamond.
Diamond planets have been spotted before but this is the first time one has been seen orbiting a sun-like star and studied in such detail.
"This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth," Madhusudhan said, adding that the discovery of the carbon-rich planet meant distant rocky planets could no longer be assumed to have chemical constituents, interiors, atmospheres, or biologies similar to Earth.
David Spergel, an astronomer at Princeton University, said it was relatively simple to work out the basic structure and history of a star once you know its mass and age.
"Planets are much more complex. This 'diamond-rich super-Earth' is likely just one example of the rich sets of discoveries that await us as we begin to explore planets around nearby stars."
"Nearby" is a relative concept in astronomy. Any fortune-hunter not dissuaded by "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz", F.Scott Fitzgerald's jazz age morality tale of thwarted greed, will find Cancri e about 40 light years, or 230 trillion miles, from Park Avenue.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Top 10 World’s Richest Persons – 2012

#1. Carlos Slim Helu
Richest Peron in the World - Carlos Slim Helu
  • Net Worth: $69 billion (down from $74 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #1
  • Age: 72
  • Fortune: Self made
  • Source: Telecom
  • Country of Citizenship: Mexico
  • Residence: Mexico City, Mexico
  • Industry: Communications
  • Marital Status: widowed, 6 children
  • Education: BA/BS, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Carlos Slim Helu retains the title of world’s richest man for the third year in a row despite a fortune that’s $5 billion smaller than a year ago-primarily ­because of a lower share price for telecom giant America Movil, which accounts for more than half his net worth. In April the company was fined $1 billion by Mexican regulators for monopolistic practices, but is appealing the decision. Slim is spending more time working with his Carlos Slim Foundation and the Telmex Foundation than he has in the past.
#2. William Gates III
Richest People in the World - Bill Gates
  • Net Worth: $61 billion (up from $56 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #2
  • Age: 56
  • Fortune: Self made
  • Source: Microsoft
  • Country of Citizenship: United States
  • Residence: Medina, Washington, USA
  • Industry: Software
  • Marital Status: Married, 3 children
  • Education: Dropout, Harvard University
First part of mission accomplished: Bill Gates, the most generous person on the planet (he’s given away $28 billion already), has helped ­eradicate polio in India. In January the country announced its first polio-free year. Gates will continue to chip in $200 million a year to rid the world of a disease that is still endemic in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. His Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also spearheading a malaria vaccine that is showing promise in ­clinical trials. Meanwhile the vaccine-spreading organization he founded, called GAVI, raised $4.3 billion in pledges aimed at distributing drugs to thwart the deadly infections that cause meningitis, pneumonia, and diarrhea in developing countries. He also has a new endeavor in the works: fixing agriculture. His foundation has committed more than $2 billion to small farmers. Less than one-fourth of his net worth is still held in Microsoft, whose shares are trading higher than they have been in 10 years; the rest is in private equity, bonds and stocks such as Ecolab and Mexican broadcaster Televisa.
#3. Warren Buffett
Richest Man in the World - Warren Buffett
  • Net Worth: $44 billion (down from $50 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #3
  • Age: 81
  • Fortune: Self made
  • Source: Berkshire Hathaway
  • Country Of Citizenship: United States
  • Residence: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  • Industry: Investments
  • Marital Status: widowed, remarried, 3 children
  • Education: MS, Columbia University; BA/BS, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Warren Buffett announced in February he’d finally made the decision about who will replace him, but he wouldn’t give a name. In December, he chose his farmer son, Howard, as the future non-executive chairman and “guardian of the firm’s values.” New Senate legislation requiring the rich to pay at least a 30% tax rate has been dubbed the “Buffett Rule” in homage to the billionaire’s frequent public statements that the wealthiest should pay more than the average Joe. His net worth is down $6 billion year on year because of a 7% slump in Berkshire’s stock. In his latest annual letter he confessed to some mistakes, including being “dead wrong” about a housing comeback.
#4. Bernard Arnault
Richest Man in the World - Bernard Arnault
  • Net Worth: $41 billion (no change from last year)
  • 2010 Rank: #4
  • Age: 63
  • Fortune: Inherited and growing
  • Source: Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH)
  • Country of Citizenship: France
  • Residence:Paris, France
  • Marital Status: Married; five children
  • Education: BA/BS, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne
Bernard Arnault orchestrated another stellar year for his luxury-goods empire, LVMH. Profits jumped 22%, thanks to record sales at Louis Vuitton and the successful integration of Bulgari. The group formed a joint venture with one of the world’s leading tanneries of crocodile leather, Heng Long. Arnault hasn’t done as well with his more pedestrian investment in supermarket chain Carrefour, which is worth $1 billion less than it was a year ago. Among his personal high-end collection: He owns Indigo Island in the Bahamas (rent: $300,000 a week) and ski chalet Cheval Blanc in Courchevel.
#5. Amancio Ortega
Richest Man in the World - Amancio Ortega
  • Net Worth: $37.5 billion (up from $31 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #7
  • Age: 75
  • Fortune: Self-made
  • Source: Zara
  • Country of Citizenship: Spain
  • Residence: La Coruna, Spain
  • Marital Status: Married; three children
Ortega stepped down as chairman of his global fashion firm, Inditex, in July 2011. The company hasn’t missed a beat. Shares are up one-fourth in the past year, helping boost his fortune by $6.5 billion and pushing him into the global top 5 ranks for the first time. Ortega paid $536 million to billionaire Esther Koplowitz in December for Torre Picasso, a 43-story skyscraper in Madrid. He also owns Epic Residences & Hotel, a luxury 54-story waterfront condo and hotel development in Miami. Other personal holdings include a stake in a soccer league and a horse-jumping circuit. A railway worker’s son, he started as a gofer in a shirt store.
#6. Larry Ellison
Richest People in the World - Lawrence Ellison
  • Net Worth: $36 (down from $39.5 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #5
  • Age: 67
  • Fortune: Self-made
  • Source: Oracle
  • Country of Citizenship: United States
  • Residence: Woodside, California, USA
  • Marital Status: Thrice divorced, remarried; two children
  • Education: Dropout, University of Chicago; Dropout, University of Illinois at Urbana
Oracle’s stock has been oscillating for months. It’s rebounded since its August low but is still off 15% year on year due to a slowdown in the software and hardware giant’s sales, enough to knock $3.5 billion off Ellison’s fortune. Seeking to profit from cloud computing, Oracle acquired Taleo in February for $1.9 billion and RightNow in October for $1.5 billion. Ellison has been tagged as one of the clutch of billionaires interested in buying the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team. His big sport is yachting: he won the America’s Cup in 2010 and is bringing the 34th edition of the America’s Cup Finals to the San Francisco Bay in 2013.
#7. Eike Batista
Richest Man in the World - Eike Batista
  • Net Worth: $30 billion (no change from last year)
  • 2010 Rank: #8
  • Age: 55
  • Fortune: Self-made
  • Source: Mining, Oil
  • Country of Citizenship: Brazil
  • Residence: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Marital Status: Divorced, two children
  • Education: Dropout, RWTH Aachen University
Eike Batista, Brazil’s richest man, is riding high on oil fever. His oil and gas driller, OGX Petroleo e Gas, produced its first oil in a test well offshore in late January; his 61% stake in the company is worth $19.8 billion, two-thirds of his net worth. The bombastic entrepreneur is also betting on his former passion, gold: In February 2011 he spent $1.5 billion to take private Canadian-listed Ventana Gold, which owns what he says is an incredibly promising mine in Colombia.
#8. Stefan Persson
Richest Man in the World - Stefan Persson
  • Net Worth: $26 billion (down from $24.5 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #13
  • Age: 64
  • Fortune: Inherited and growing
  • Source: H&M
  • Country of Citizenship: Sweden
  • Residence: Stockholm, Sweden
  • Marital Status: Married, three children
  • Education: Associate in Arts / Science, University of Stockholm
Stefan Persson’s cheap-chic ­apparel chain H&M added Versace and Marni to its stable of designers last year and opened its first stores in Croatia, Singapore and Romania. It now has 2,500 shops in 43 countries. Persson, who is chairman, bought 5 million additional shares of the company and then gifted 4 million, worth $150 million, to a new employee ­incentive program. Persson’s father, Erling, founded H&M in 1947; Stefan took over in 1982, he gave up the chief executive position in 1998; promoted son, Karl-Johan, 35, to chief executive in July 2009. Persson acquired the 21-cottage village of Linkenholt in Hampshire, England in 2009.
#9. Li Ka-shing
Richest Asian - Li Kashing
  • Net Worth: $25.5 billion (up from $22 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #11
  • Age: 83
  • Fortune: Diversified, self-made
  • Source: Hutchison Whampoa Limited
  • Country of Citizenship: Hong Kong
  • Residence: Hong Kong
  • Marital Status: Widow, two children
  • Education: Drop Out, High School
Li Ka-shing moves back into the top 10 for the first time since 2007. He is Asia’s richest person for the first time since 2004, despite a $500 million drop in net worth. One of the great empire builders, Li’s businesses employ 270,000 ­people around the world in 53 countries; he built one out of every 7 residences in Hong Kong, his ­Hutchison Port ­Holdings handles about 13% of the world’s container traffic, and his recently acquired Northumbrian Water supplies clean drinking water to 4.5 million people in England and sewerage services to ­another 2.7 million. Li also has personal investments in tech startups like Facebook and Spotify.
#10. Karl Albrecht
Richest Person in the World - Karl Albrecht
  • Net Worth: $25.4 billion (down from $25.5 billion in 2010)
  • 2010 Rank: #12
  • Age: 92
  • Fortune: Self-made
  • Source: Aldi Supermarkets
  • Country of Citizenship: Germany
  • Residence: Mulheim an der Ruhr,
  • Marital Status: Married, two children
Karl Albrecht’s $39 billion (estimated sales) discount supermarket giant, Aldi Sud, has some 4,500 stores, including 1,200 across 32 U.S. states. It opened its first New York City locations in 2011, one in Queens and another in the Bronx. To keep costs low, Aldi stores do not accept credit cards. He and his late brother Theo got their start at their mother’s corner grocery store after World War II and turned it into a large retail chain based on low prices in a no-frills setting. They split ownership in 1961; Karl took the more profitable stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

About Mount Kilimanjaro


Kilimanjaro is composed of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo 5,895 m (19,341 ft); Mawenzi 5,149 m (16,893 ft); and Shira 3,962 m (13,000 ft). Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo's crater rim.
Kilimanjaro is a giant stratovolcano that began forming a million years ago, when lava spilled from the Rift Valley zone. Two of its three peaks, Mawenzi and Shira, are extinct while Kibo (the highest peak) is dormant and could erupt again. The last major eruption has been dated to 360,000 years ago, while the most recent activity was recorded just 200 years ago.
Although it is dormant, Kibo has fumaroles that emit gas in the crater. Scientists concluded in 2003 that molten magma is just 400 m (1,310 ft) below the summit crater.[citation needed] Several collapses and landslides have occurred on Kibo in the past, one creating the area known as the Western Breach.


It is unknown where the name Kilimanjaro originates, but a number of theories exist. European explorers had adopted the name by 1860 and reported that it was its Swahili name,[5] with Kilimanjaro breaking into Kilima (Swahili for "hill, little mountain") and Njaro,[6] whose supposed origin varies according to the theories—according to some it is an ancient Swahili word for white or for shining,[7] or for the non-Swahili origin, a word from the Kichagga language, the word jaro meaning "caravan". The problem with all these is that they cannot explain why the diminutivekilima is used instead of the proper word for mountain, mlima. The name might be a local joke, referring to the "little hill of the Njaro" being the biggest mountain on the African continent, since this is a nearby town, and guides recount that it is the Hill of the Njaro people. A different approach is to assume that it comes from the Kichagga kilmanare or kileajao meaning "which defeats the bird/leopard/caravan". However this theory cannot explain the fact that Kilimanjaro was never used in Kichagga before in Europe in the mid-19th century.[5]
An alternative theory is as follows: On November 10, 1848, the German missionary Rebmann wrote in his diary, "This morning we discerned the Mountains of Jagga more distinctly than ever." Jagga was the pronunciation of Chagga by Europeans. Kilimanjaro may also be the European pronunciation of the Chagga phrase that "Kile-lema-irho", meaning "we failed to climb it" in Kiuru, Kioldimoshi, Kimarangu, Kivunjo, Kikibosho, Kimachame and Kirombo, Kichagga in general. If so, name itself, Kile-lema-irho/Kilimanjaro, would have been the Chagga way of explaining to kyasaka (newcomers) when they asked about the shining mountain top of Kibo and Mawenzi Peak. Kibo peak is more visible from the Kibosho Area, and Mawenzi from Maranu.[citation needed]
The Ki- prefix in Swahili has several underlying meanings. The old Ka- diminutive noun prefix (found now only as Kadogo—a small degree), merged with the Ki class. One of its meanings was to also describe something unique of its kind: Kilima, a single peak, as opposed toMlima, which would better describe a mountain range or undulating country. Several other mountains also bear this prefix, such as Kilima Mbogo (Buffalo Mountain), just north of Nairobi in Kenya. People with disabilities are also placed in this class, not so much as a diminutive idea; but a unique condition they possess: a blind or a deaf person, Kipofu and Kiziwi. This prefix "Ki-" in no way implies a derogatory sense. The name Kibo in Kichagga means "spotted" and refers to rocks seen on snowfields.
In the 1880s, the mountain, at that time spelled Kilima-Ndscharo in German following the Swahili name components, became a part ofGerman East Africa after Karl Peters had persuaded local chiefs to sign treaties (a common story that Queen Victoria gave the mountain to her grandson Kaiser Wilhelm II is not true).[8] When in 1889 Hans Meyer reached the highest summit on the crater ridge of Kibo, he named it "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze" ("Kaiser Wilhelm peak").[5] That name was used until 1918, when after World War I the German colonies were handed over to the British empire. When Tanganyika gained its independence in 1961, this summit was named "Uhurupeak", meaning "Freedom peak" in Swahili.

[edit]First ascent

In 1861, the German officer Baron Carl Claus von der Decken and the young British geologist Richard Thornton (1838–1863) made a first attempt to climb Kibo,[9] but "got no farther than 8,200 feet"[10] (2,500 meters). In 1862, Von der Decken tried a second time together with Otto Kersten. They reached a height of 14,000 feet (4,280 meters).[11][12]
In 1887, during his first attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the German geology professor Hans Meyer reached the base of Kibo, but was forced to turn back, not having the equipment necessary to handle the deep snow and ice on Kibo. The following year, Meyer planned another attempt with cartographer Oscar Baumann, but the mission was aborted due to consequences of the Abushiri Revolt. Meyer and Baumann were captured and held hostage, and only escaped after a ten thousand rupees ransom had been paid.[13]
In 1889 Meyer returned to Kilimanjaro with the celebrated Austrian mountaineer Ludwig Purtscheller for a third attempt. Their climbing team included two local headmen, nine porters, a cook, and a guide. The success of this attempt, which started on foot from Mombasa, was based on the establishment of many campsites with food supplies so that multiple attempts at the top could be made without having to descend too far. After Meyer and Purtscheller pushed to near the crater rim on October 3, exhausted from hacking footsteps in the icy slope, they reached the highest summit on the southern rim of the crater on Purtscheller's 40th birthday, October 6, 1889. They were the first to confirm that Kibo has a crater, which was filled with ice at the time. After descending to the saddle between Kibo and Mawenzi, Meyer and Purtscheller attempted to climb the more technically challenging Mawenzi next, but could only reach a 5096 m high subsidiary peak (later to be named Klute Peak) before retreating due to illness. On October 18 they reascended Kibo to enter and study the crater, cresting the rim at Hans Meyers Notch. In total, Meyer and Purtscheller spent 16 days above 4,200 m during their expedition.[13][14]
The summit of Kibo wouldn't be climbed again until 20 years later (by the surveyor M. Lange in 1909), and the first ascent of the highest (5149 m) summit of Mawenzi was only on July 29, 1912, by the German climbers Edward Oehler and Fritz Klute, who christened it Hans Meyer Peak in Meyer's honor. Oehler and Klute went on to make the third ascent of Kibo, via the Western route over the Drygalski Glacier.[14]
In 1989, the organizing committee of the 100-year celebration of the first ascent decided to award posthumous certificates to the African porter-guides who had accompanied Meyer and Purtscheller. One person in pictures or documents of the 1889 expedition was thought to match a living inhabitant ofMarangu, Yohani Kinyala Lauwo. Lauwo did not know his own age nor did he remember Meyer or Purtscheller, but he remembered joining a Kilimanjaro expedition involving a Dutch doctor who lived near the mountain and not wearing shoes during the 8-day affair. Lauwo claimed that he had climbed the mountain 3 times before World War I. The committee concluded that he had been a member of Meyer's team and therefore must have been born around 1871.[15] Lauwo died on 10 May 1996 at the thus reconstructed world-record age of 124 or 125 and is now even often suggested as co-first-ascendant of Kilimanjaro.[16]


Early maps of Kilimanjaro were published by the British Government's Directorate of Overseas Surveys (DOS 422 Y742) in 1963. These were based on air photography carried out as early as 1959 by the RAF. These were on a scale of 1:50,000 with contours at 100 ft intervals. These are now unavailable. Tourist mapping was first published by the Ordnance Survey in England in 1989 based on the original DOS mapping (1:100,000, 100 ft intervals, DOS 522). This is also no longer available. EWP produced a map with tourist information in 1990 (1:75,000, 100 m contour intervals, inset maps of Kibo and Mawenzi on 1:20,000 and 1:30,000 scales respectively and 50 m contour interval). In the last few years, numerous other maps have become available of various qualities.[3] 3D route maps are also available online.[17]

[edit]Trekking Kilimanjaro

There are six official trekking routes[18] by which to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, namely: Marangu, Rongai, Lemosho,[19] Shira, Umbwe and Machame. Of all the routes, Machame[20] is by far the most scenic albeit steeper route up the mountain, which can be done in six or seven days.[21] The Rongai is the easiest and least scenic of all camping routes with the most difficult summit night and the Marangu is also relatively easy, but accommodation is in shared huts with all other climbers. As a result, this route tends to be very busy, and ascent and descent routes are the same. [22]
People who wish to trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro are advised to undertake appropriate research[23] and ensure that they are both properly equipped and physically capable. Though the climb is technically not as challenging as when climbing the high peaks of the Himalayas or Andes, the high elevation, low temperature, and occasional high winds make this a difficult and dangerous trek. Acclimatisation is essential, and even then most experienced trekkers suffer some degree of altitude sickness.[24] Kilimanjaro summit is well above the altitude at which high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) can occur.[25] All trekkers will suffer considerable discomfort, typically shortage of breath, hypothermia and headaches.
High-altitude climbing clubs—citing safe ascent rate suggestions offered by organisations such as the Royal Geographical Society—have criticised the Tanzanian authorities for charging fees for each day spent on the mountain. It was once argued that this fee structure encouraged trekkers to climb rapidly to save time and money, while proper acclimatisation demands that delays are built in to any high climb. However, in response to this accusation, Tanzania National Parks Authority several years ago mandated minimum climb durations for each route. These regulations prohibit climbs of fewer than five days on the Marangu Route, and ensure a minimum of six days for the other five sanctioned routes. These minimums—particularly in the case of Marangu, which ostensibly allows that Uhuru Peak (5,895m) can be reached from a starting elevation at 1,860m within 72 hours of beginning the ascent—are reckoned by most alpinists to allow an ascent rate that will usually result in the climber failing to acclimatize adequately, by the time that Kibo Huts are reached; the launch base from which the summit is assaulted. Consequently, the incidence of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is widely deemed to be unacceptably high on Kilimanjaro, with high volumes of fit young people succumbing to the condition, having opted for a relatively rapid ascent. As a general rule, it is far safer (and more enjoyable) to avoid altitude sickness by planning a sensible itinerary that allows for gradual acclimatisation to high elevation as one ascends. Operations that typically see in excess of a thousand climbers summitting annually and are best placed to identify such patterns, usually posit that an optimal climb length should last around seven to eight days.
Tanzanian Medical Services around the mountain have expressed concern recently[when?] over the current influx of tourists that apparently perceive Kilimanjaro as an easy walk. However this is not the case. Many individuals require significant attention during their attempts, and many are forced to abandon the trek. An investigation into the matter concluded that tourists visiting Tanzania were often encouraged to join groups heading up the mountain without being made aware of the significant physical demands of the climb, although many outfitters and tour operators flaunt high success rates for reaching the summit. The Kilimanjaro National Park shows that only 41% of trekkers actually reach the Uhuru summit with the majority turning around at Gilman’s Point, 300 metres (980 feet) short of Uhuru, or Stella Point, 200 (660 feet) meters short of Uhuru. Kilimanjaro is often underestimated because it can be walked and is not a technical climb. However, many mountaineers consider Kilimanjaro very physically demanding.
Some estimate that more people have died to date trekking up Kilimanjaro than Mount Everest but Everest is attempted by significantly fewer climbers.[citation needed] In August 2007 four trekkers died within a week underscoring the point that trekking to the summit should not be taken casually. Multiple people (trekkers, porters, and guides) die on the mountain each year. The majority of these deaths are porters, from hypothermia. Trekkers fall on steep portions of the mountain, and rock slides have killed trekkers. For this reason, the route via the Arrow Glacier was closed for several years. It re-opened in December 2007,[26] but the park officials advise against taking that route and tell trekkers that they can climb, but at their own risk. When attempting the Arrow Glacier route, trekkers must leave early in the morning and make it past the rock face before mid-afternoon as when the sun comes out, unfrozen rock slides become quite common.

[edit]Unique vegetation

Being an Afromontane sky island, Kilimanjaro has an enormous biodiversity while low in endemic species. However endemics include the giant groundsels in the bunchgrass tussock grasslands, and other flora adapted to living in alpine plant conditions.
Kilimanjaro has a large variety of forest types over an altitudinal range of 3,000 m (9,843 ft) containing over 1,200 vascular plant species. Montane Ocotea forests occur on the wet southern slope.Cassipourea and Juniperus forests grow on the dry northern slope. Subalpine Erica forests at 4,100 m (13,451 ft) represent the highest elevation cloud forests in Africa. In contrast to this enormous biodiversity, the degree of endemism is low. However, forest relicts in the deepest valleys of the cultivated lower areas suggest that a rich forest flora inhabited Mt Kilimanjaro in the past, with restricted-range species otherwise only known from the Eastern Arc mountains. The low degree of endemism on Kilimanjaro may result from destruction of lower elevation forest rather than the relatively young age of the mountain.
Another feature of the forests of Kilimanjaro is the absence of a bamboo zone, which occurs on all other tall mountains in East Africa with a similarly high rainfall. Sinarundinaria alpina stands are favoured by elephants and African Buffalos elsewhere. On Kilimanjaro these megaherbivores occur on the northern slopes, where it is too dry for a large bamboo zone to develop. They are excluded from the wet southern slope forests by topography and humans, who have cultivated the foothills for at least 2000  years.
This interplay of biotic and abiotic factors could explain not only the lack of a bamboo zone on Kilimanjaro but also offers possible explanations for the patterns of diversity and endemism. If true, Kilimanjaro's forests would serve as a striking example of the large and long-lasting influence of both animals and humans on the African landscape.

[edit]Physical features

Mount Kilimanjaro as seen from Moshi town, Kilimanjaro region
Kilimanjaro rises from its base, and approximately 5,100 m (16,732 ft) from the plains near Moshi. Kibo is capped by an almost symmetrical cone with scarps rising 180 to 200 m on the south side. These scarps define a 2.5 km wide caldera.[27] Within this caldera is an inner crater, the Reusch Crater. This inner crater was named after Dr. Richard Reusch. The name was conferred by the government of Tanganyika in 1954 at the same time it awarded Reusch a gold medal on having climbed Kilmanjaro for the 25th time. Reusch climbed Kilimanjaro 65 times and helped to establish the exact elevation of the crater.[28][29] Within the Reusche Crater lies the Ash Pit. The Reusche Crater itself is nearly surrounded by a 400 feet (120 m) high dune of volcanic ash.[30]
Kilimanjaro is also notable for presenting the greatest area of the Earth's surface in one view. This is due to its height in combination with the surrounding flatness of the land.[citation needed]